Belgian clothing retailer JBC has deployed large RFID systems in 144 stores in Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany. The system uses EPC Gen 2 UHF RFID tag to track clothes in manufacturing place, distribution center and store shelves. The retailer hopes to use RFID technology at the cashier in April 2016. Using the RFID technology provided by the point protection system, JBC obtained the visibility of 17 million items from 100 different suppliers (1.5 million hanging clothes and 15.5 million flat packaging clothes). Every commodity sold in JBC stores is attached with an RFID tag provided by the point protection system Headquartered in houthalen helchteren, Belgium, JBC employs 270 people and is the country's leading clothing retailer. Fred tielens, JBC logistics manager, said: "the company has spent a lot of time studying RFID technology and hopes to launch solutions throughout the supply chain to maximize benefits. The company calls this project the source to store / shopper ...